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Developmental education (DE) is a profession that focuses on providing educational and developmental support to individuals with intellectual, developmental, or learning disabilities. Developmental Educators work with individuals and their relevant stakeholders to develop and enhance their cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioural skills through individualised instruction and support.


Some key differences between Occupational Therapists (OTS) and Developmental Educators (DEs) include:

Focus: OT focuses on prompting functional independence, whereas DE focuses on enhancing cognitive and developmental skills.

Training: OTs are trained to provide medical and therapeutic interventions, whereas DEs are trained in behaviours and developmental support.

Demographic: OTs work with individuals across the lifespan, including children, adults, and seniors, whereas DEs primarily work with children and young adults.

Training: OTs are trained to provide medical and therapeutic interventions, whereas DEs are trained in behaviours and developmental support.


Developmental education for children

Physical and emotional well-being of children with disabilities.

Developmental and functional behavioural assessments.

Develop and implement positive behaviour supports.

Teach functional life skills including social, communication, self-care, daily living, etc.

Work and liaise with families, service providers, allied health professionals, and other key stakeholders to enhance the choice, social inclusion and quality of life for children with disability.

Supporting children to access meaningful activities and develop meaningful relationships.

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